
Trump clears the air with Fox’s Kelly, talks about ‘regrets’

In August of a year ago, Megyn Kelly, the breakout Fox News host, asked Donald Trump a very reasonable debate question about his record of calling women he does not like “fat pigs” and “dogs”.


“When I’m wounded, I go after people hard”, he told Kelly.

Trump upped the ante shortly thereafter, saying that Kelly had become so incensed, “you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes”. This, in response to Kelly’s question as to whether there had been any mistakes in his campaign.

“Not the most frightful thing”, Trump said.

“Over your life, Megyn, you’ve been called a lot worse than that, right?” Isn’t that right? Wouldn’t you say?

Overall, Trump delivered his “usual array of incomplete sentences, unfinished tangents, and an obfuscating lack of specifics”, writes Hank Steuver at the Washington Post, who deems the Kelly special “neither groundbreaking nor especially informative”. He also explained that the much-publicized comments he made were part of the strategy to be the victor for the Republican field. “I thought it was more of a statement”.

Trump said his behavior wasn’t bullying, but “fighting back”.

The American businessman also claimed that he had strong responses to all the issues thrown at him.

Trump then interrupted saying, “only Rosie O’Donnell”, which received loud cheers from the crowd, despite Kelly saying “for the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell”.

She said that it wasn’t about her, and then asked him whether he would stop such retweeting activity if he is elected president.

“Many times”, Ms Kelly responded.

“Uh, yeah, I guess so, but you have to go forward…to look back and say, “Gee whiz, I wish I didn’t do this or that”, I don’t think that’s good…” “But during the day I have people and I will call out a tweet to them. I said, ‘If I could get through this debate with those questions, you can get through anything'”. It’s the first question that I’ve ever been asked during a debate and I’ve never debated before. “I could have done certain things [differently]. I give you credit for it actually”.

But, she quickly added, “In Trump’s defense, I understand where he was coming from”. “But if I would not have fought back the way I fought back I don’t think I would have been successful”.

Trump also announced he had submitted his candidate financial disclosure form to the Federal Election Commission.


Reporter: Trump responding on Twitter posting awesome that crooked Hillary can do a ad on me concerning women when her husband was the worst abuser of women in U.S. Political history.

Megyn Kelly debate