
Gun rights group NRA rallies behind Donald Trump

“I’d like to call for Hillary Clinton to put together a list [of potential Supreme Court nominees] also”, Trump said, referring to his unprecedented step of letting the Heritage Foundation suggest a list for his campaign. “We’re not going to let that happen”.


“We have to unite and we have to unite right now”, Chris Cox, head of the NRA’s lobbying arm, said at the gun rights group’s annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

“If Hillary Clinton gets the opportunity to replace Antonin Scalia with an anti-gun Supreme Court justice, we will lose the individual right to keep a gun in the home for self-defense”, Cox said.

The tweet contains a video of Hillary Clinton saying, “Here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get”.

What to do about America’s scourge of gun violence, marked by a seemingly endless march of mass shootings – or not do about it – is nearly certain to become an area of sharp debate and disagreement between the two party’s candidates as the November election approaches.

Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York City and shoot someone, and his backers would still vote for him.

Trumps current stance on guns is a shift from the candidate’s earlier statements on the issue.

“That wasn’t part of my speech, I must be honest with you”, he said.

“That is so unfair and that is so egregious and I’ll tell you what, my poll numbers with women are starting to go up”, he said. He posited that the shooters in the San Bernardino terrorism attack a year ago would have been easier to capture had local citizens been armed.

Clinton will appear Saturday in Florida with the mother of Trayvon Martin and other parents who have lost children to gun violence. “And if you take that gun away from them, it’s going to be, very unfair situation”, says Trump.

Vowing to appoint judges who favor the second amendment, and abolish gun-free zones, Trump dovetailed his pro-gun message with a larger promise to protect Americans through his immigration and crime policies. “We’re getting rid of them”.


‘The Second Amendment is under a threat like never before, ‘ Trump declared. “But, as a physician, I was trained to solve problems, to get beyond emotions and find answers”, Paul said. “You know what? We’re giving her reason for optimism these days”.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by The National Rifle Association after promising to protect gun laws