
Home Depot slams its worker’s ‘America Was Never Great’ cap

With the general hate that Donald Trump has gained over his poor choice of words and public shenanigans, one might be as shocked as the Staten Island Home Depot employee that he’s gained just as much support.


It is against Home Depot policy for employees to wear apparel that reflects political statements, company spokesman Stephen Holmes said.

“Some people need to experience life in another country…I actually feel sorry for people like this whose lives are apparently so miserable they can’t see the good around them”, Mic Johnson said on Facebook.

Trump won a resounding victory in NY in the April 19 primary, including going over 80% support in Staten Island.

“I know there are a lot of opportunities here”, Lake added. The phrase reflects criticism levied at Trump that “making America great again” only applies to people who didn’t bear the brunt of historical oppression.

In a video posted by the Staten Island Advance, Lake said she got the hat made because she wanted to send a message.

Lake said she will definitely wear the hat again despite the threats. Krystal Lake, 22, told the NY Times that “she expected to be fired from her job, which she has held for almost two years”. In an interview, Lake reveals she doesn’t hate America, but believes it “hasn’t been so great for everybody”, which motivated her to make the hat.

Lake, a Bernie Sanders backer, said she plans to wear the hat again, despite getting death threats and other nasty missives.

Home Depot employee Lake has stated that she will continue to wear the hat.

Lake, a lifelong Staten Islander and student at the College of Staten Island, said this was the first and only time she had worn the hat to work, and that she was not reprimanded by any manager for the decision to wear it. And whatever claim to greatness America could make in the twentieth century-for defeating the Nazis, becoming an economic superpower, etc.-was always undermined by injustices at home that grew out of the original sin of slavery.


Home Depot has financially backed Republican candidates in the past, according to The Daily Mail.

Home Depot has banned worker Krystal Lake from wearing a hat emblazoned with the words'America was never great after legions of Donald Trump supporters complained