
Four dead in England plane crash

Four people died on Friday when a private jet crashed at a vehicle auction site in southern England.


No-one on the ground was hurt.

GACA said in a statement that the plane was registered in the Gulf state and that it would work with British investigators to determine the cause of the crash.

Mr Belcher said he was “shocked” when he discovered that a jet had crashed.

The A30, which backs on to the airport, has been closed following the incident and motorists have been asked by police to avoid the area.

Witnesses speaking to the Telegraph claimed the aircraft clipped a fence and flipped over before landing on a number of cars just after 3pm.

“The engines were screaming far too much and the aircraft was trying to land – I’m a glider pilot and I thought it’s far too low to ground”. “I was in a field with the cattle and I heard an aircraft coming very, very fast from behind me”, she said.

The plane’s Jordanian pilot and another passenger, who has not been named, were also reportedly killed.

The impact from the plane, which is understood to have failed to take off from a neighbouring airport, created a huge fireball.

Bin Laden was the founder of notorious terror group al-Qaeda, which was behind the horrific September 11 attacks in 2001, killing nearly 3,000 people.

The Saudi Press Agency earlier identified the plane as Saudi-owned.

The bin Laden family disowned Osama in 1994 when Saudi Arabia stripped him of his citizenship because of his militant activities.


A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are in contact with the Saudi Arabian authorities following the air crash in Hampshire on July 31, including to offer advice on repatriation”.

Binladins among four killed in UK plane crash