
Donald Trump calls for end to gun-free zones

Mr Trump’s remarks came at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Louisville, Kentucky.


The media is not alone in feeling perplexed or even outraged by the NRA’s endorsement of the bombastic presumptive Republican nominee.

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The group’s chief executive Wayne LaPierre declared it was time to prevent Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, from gaining the White House and appointing a new justice to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. “If she gets to appoint her judges, she will abolish the Second Amendment”, Trump said.

She has criticized Trump for being cavalier about gun safety and warned in a Twitter message last week that Trump would force schools to allow firearms in classrooms because he no longer wants schools to be gun-free zones.

“So when you say you’re going to bar all Muslims, you’re sending evidence to the Muslim world, and you’re also sending a message to terrorists”, Clinton added. He also referenced her comments about putting him to work on the economy, saying he was “thrilled” that she wanted him to take on those issues.

“They’ll be un-signed the first hour that I’m in office”, Trump pledged. However, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, you are more likely to die in a home invasion, if you keep a gun in the home.

I was proud that my husband took them on, and we were able to ban assault weapons, but he had to put a sunset on it so 10 years later, of course, Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them. “Nobody knows that. Boy, would I surprise somebody if they hit Trump”.

For former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supporters, they are thrilled Bill Clinton is aiding her in her presidential campaign.

“Something is wrong when so many young people just starting their lives are dying …”, Clinton said at the event held at the Embassy Suites hotel.

Senior policy adviser Maya Harris said Mrs Clinton believes “there are common-sense steps we can take at the federal level to keep guns out of the hands of criminals while respecting the Second Amendment”. “This is someone running for president”, Clinton said.

Many who attended the Hillary Clinton rally already have their minds made up that Hillary has their vote.


Trump’s assertion that Clinton should not permit her Secret Service agents to carry guns was also brought up at Friday’s NRA convention. “I mean, she is so ill-equipped to be the president”, Trump said.

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