
Clinton shrugs, sees benefits in Trump’s personal attacks

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Donald Trump’s stance on guns Saturday, one day after he was endorsed by the National Rifle Association.


Forty-seven percent voters said they would consider a third-party candidate if Clinton and Trump face off as the Democratic and Republican nominees in November, according to the survey.

Sanders pointed to his recent victories in Oregon, West Virginia and in as evidence that Clinton was getting ahead of herself and added, “We’re going to have to do very, very, very well in the remaining nine contests”. “I also know that we can have common-sense gun reforms that keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the violently unstable while respecting responsible gun owners”.

Washington – Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton says persistent rival Bernie Sanders “has every right to finish off his campaign however he chooses”.

Her supporters contend Trump’s slams on her character will motivate Democrats, particularly female voters, so long as Clinton stays focused on rising above these matters.

Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders in the total delegate count 2,293-1,533, making her only 90 short of the 2,383 she needs to secure the nomination. A CNN poll conducted at the beginning of May gave the former Secretary of State an even greater lead of thirteen percent. On the question of who better represents “your personal values”, 48 per cent chose Clinton, and 37 per cent went with Trump.

Among all adults, 58 percent rate Trump as not qualified to be president.

“I was hoping for more enthusiasm”, said Mitch Ceasar, the former Broward County Democratic Party chair. He described one of the allegations of past sexual misconduct involving Bill Clinton as a rape. During his NRA’s annual Leadership Forum he said Clinton would “abolish” the Second Amendment if elected. Trump is viewed as unqualified by a majority of adults, but he has strong appeal to voters as the anti-Clinton candidate who can bring change to Washington in an election year in which outsiders have thrived. To working people, to young people, to low-income people who are sick and exhausted of establishment politics and establishment economics.

Clinton led Trump among voters under 30 by a whopping 39 percent in March but in this new poll it’s split 45 – 42 in Clinton’s favor.

On issues, registered voters clearly prefer Trump on taxes and by a narrower margin on worldwide trade. You’re not going disagree with me on that, are you?

Clinton, who swiftly rebutted Trump’s remarks, has called for universal background checks and stricter controls on firearms, but has never called for the abolition of the 2nd Amendment.


Trump has also received a “bump” in the polls by simple virtue of the fact that since May 3. when he won the in primary forcing his last two Republican opponents out of the race, he has been running unopposed in the party’s primary.

Hillary Clinton