
Minnesota Republican Party leaders call for unity

“He said, ‘I would like go to up and apologize to everyone on behalf of the Republican Party, apologize for Trump”. She made no mention Saturday of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.


While he said voters are more engaged in this election than in previous cycles, he argued that in general, people feel distant from the governmental process.

In this week alone, Mr Trump has jeopardized relations with a close ally before setting foot overseas, talked about building a relationship with a reckless dictator, and called two diverse American cities more risky than war zones like Iraq, Mr Podesta said.

Trump needs 1,237 delegates to clinch the Republican nomination.

Under the Trump Victory fund structure, Trump’s campaign would receive a maximum $5,400 until the convention is held, and then $2,700 after that. He is no way consistently to figure out the policies…

The Pioneer Press has reaction from the chair of the state’s Republican Party, Keith Downey, as well as a Minnesota member of the Trump campaign.

The chamber also surveyed the U.S. Senate race to replace Sen.

“There were hot buttons that really, he really got passionate about and this is one of them”.

Ryan said public outrage over parties raising unlimited amounts of “soft money” led to a ban in the McCain-Feingold law in 2002. “That is the issue with Trump”.

Fifty-five percent of voters view Trump unfavorably with 26 percent seeing him favorably. “If they vote, we win”.

“It boils down to character and conservatism”, Thul said.

LONDON (AP) – British Prime Minister David Cameron says he’d be happy to meet Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican presidential candidate. Most either haven’t said whether they support Trump, or have given hedged answers about backing the party’s nominee and opposing likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

However, whether the Republican elite endorses him is not a matter of concern because Trump is the presidential candidate on the ticket, Prof. But they have had less success in winning statewide elections, and the state hasn’t voted for a Republican for president since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Otherwise they risk seeing another Democrat at the White House in at least four years to come.

Hillary Clinton, the party’s front-runner, brought in US$26.4 million in April, including funds from a joint fundraising effort with the Democratic Party.

Latino voters overwhelmingly say Clinton would do a better job than Trump at representing their values, making decisions about nuclear weapons, nominating the next Supreme Court justice and making military decisions – by margins of 30-plus points.


There is nothing logical or coherent about Trump’s political message, but everyone must remember that politicians can say whatever they want, and it is only a promise.

Trump's financial records are outlined in 104-page filing