
Have a look at Fallout 4’s ‘Far Harbor’ DLC, out today

You can download and play Fallout 4 Far Harbor now for your Xbox One, PS4, or PC as of today! But thankfully, it has done right by the franchise, taking the time to create DLC that is actually worth the cost of entry.


Bethesda Game Studios has released a new making of video for Fallout 4’s upcoming Far Harbor expansion, ahead of its worldwide launch tomorrow. In fact, you don’t have to bring any companion into the DLC because you will get a new companion nearly as soon as you step off the boat.

This new DLC is set to greatly expand both the world and the story of the Commonwealth that Bethesda has created. More DLC will be announced in the future.

There are also new weapons and armor being introduced in “Far Harbor” DLC such as the meat hook for melee combat and range weapons such as the Harpoon Gun and the Lever Action Rifle. They might also put up more of a fight when attacked, so players who are into random killing sprees should probably be careful in Fallout 4 Far Harbor.

“With the raging sea in front of them and radioactive fog covering the rest of the island – plus an ongoing war with the Children of Atom – the people of Far Harbor don’t have much cause to be joyful”.

This new information comes in along with other rumors around the internet, saying that Bethesda, the creator and developer for Fallout 4 and the whole franchise, has been working on two different workshops to be featured in the game at a later date.

Bethesda previously released the “Automatron” DLC closed beta in March 2016. The island of Far Harbor is off the coast of ME where more potent levels of radiation have left the world in a more feral state.

You’ll meet a new companion named Longfellow, but since Synths are featured in Far Harbor, you’ll see some interesting stuff if you choose to keep Nick Valentine around.

Fallout 4’s DLC so far has been simple addons.


It is set in a post-apocalyptic Boston 200 years after a devastating nuclear war and is available worldwide on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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