
Burglars robbed a home along with the mince pies kept for Christmas

This Christmas is not so good for a pensioner, Dennis Dunstan, 70, because he got robbed by burglars just before Christmas.


According to report, the burglars didn’t left even the 3 mince pies that was kept in fridge for Christmas.

Actually, Dennis woke up in the morning at 9 Am and found that his some gadgets such that a laptop and a digital camera along with his car was missing. He then moved towards his wallet and found that £150 was missing.

Burglars robbed a home along with the mince pies kept for Christmas

He later moved towards his fridge and got shocked that the burglars have even eaten his Christmas special, 3 mince pies.


Police is investigating about burglary. But we can say that this Christmas will be the saddest one in Dennis life.