
The Monday Poll: GOP debate in the spotlight

The presence of billionaire businessman and loose cannon extraordinaire Donald Trump has transformed the GOP contest into a melange of reality TV and performance art.


Perry has occupied the 10th spot in three of the last five iterations of the polling average.

The first Republican presidential debate of the 2016 election season will be held August 6 on Fox News. However, only the top 10 candidates of the 17 declared contenders will be allowed to debate on the main stage. The process remains the same but that doesn’t stop talk and criticism leading up to the event. “That’s the absurdity of this thing”, said Larry Sabato, political analyst at the University of Virginia.

“If you’re a top-tier candidate, there’s not that much advantage in doing that, particularly now, early in the race”, Krauthammer said. John McCain after Trump questioned whether the former POW was a war hero.

After spending the last several months going after Bush – now third in the RealClearPolitics poll average, behind Walker – Christie is competing these days more with Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry are 1 point behind Christie. Rick Santorum.

George Pataki, former New York governor: 0.7%. Lindsey Graham, as well as Kasich, former Pennsylvania Sen.

Trump and his recent comments attacking illegal immigrants and a few of his Republican rivals could dominate next week’s debate.

Perry campaign spokesperson Lucy Nashed said they are “confident” he will be invited to the marquee event.

Bill Sammon, the network’s vice president of news, apparently has told the candidates’ camps that there won’t be opening statements.

Not making the prime-time cut isn’t the end of the road by any means, and there’s still plenty of time before the Iowa caucuses.

“I create jobs, I make great deals, I’m successful, but I’ve never debated before”, Donald Trump told the Herald. However, he said, “it can hurt from a momentum standpoint, in that it is a spotlight you are not getting”.

Of course, one can rise in a volatile political environment as quickly as they plummeted, and the debate stage could be an opportunity for Christie to regain his footing.

Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon: 6.2%. Rand Paul, R-Ky., released a video in which he took a chainsaw to the U.S. tax code.

Cruz, who will appear at the New Hampshire forum via satellite because the Senate will be in session, has recently been a magnet for attention, and not necessarily positive.

Trump announced his candidacy on June 16.

“He is clearly the man of the hour from a buzz standpoint”, Deace said.

Love him or loath him, there is no question that Trump’s ascension has been the dominant storyline in the GOP campaign.


But that might be hard, considering he’s weathered a string of controversies over his blunt remarks since entering the race. “He’s definitely done his homework to get ready for this”. “If he dulls those edges, that would be the death knell for him”. “Will he bore people, or be seen as the adult in the room?”

First Republican presidential debate to be held Aug 6 with ‘the still to mention’ presidential candidates
