
Abortion supporters get help from courts in video fight

“You’re removing contraception with this defunding, and if you remove contraception, you get unintended pregnancies, which means more abortion“, said Joseph Potter, a University of Texas demographer who has studied the impact of Texas’ move to defund Planned Parenthood in 2013, and testified on the organization’s behalf in a court challenge. They have gone viral, are graphic in content as officials discuss abortion procedures to avoid crushing the fetus to protect tissue for research, are dismantling the good work being done by Planned Parenthood and jeopardizing federal funding.


Scott said: “The videos coming out about Planned Parenthood are deeply troubling to say the least”.

Clinton’s team is not happy with a recent error-riddled New York Times report.

Also, arguably one of the most liberal courts in the nation which is in the city of Los Angeles gave Stem Express – which has been identified as a company that procures body parts of aborted infants from Planned Parenthood – a temporary injunction forbidding the release of more videos obtained by undercover journalists from the Center for Medical Progress.

– On July 26, Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to say that center’s first two videos were misleading and heavily edited. In the video, the group discusses a potential contract for fetal parts. The group has accused Planned Parenthood of selling fetal tissue for profit, which is illegal. Under the terms of the order, the non-profit organization is banned from releasing video of a May lunch attended by three StemExpress officials.

“If this is in the ballpark, it’s fine”. The shortage would make it hard to find providers to make up for Planned Parenthood, she said.

Scarborough remarked that the press’ pro-abortion bias has prevented it from covering the issue fairly.

Put on the defensive by the release of the videos, Planned Parenthood says it receives only reimbursements for costs of providing tissue donated by women, and that it has done nothing illegal or improper. To counter the claim, CMP has also published transcripts and copies of the full-length videos.

In a statement on behalf of its many campuses, the University of California’s Office of the President defended continuing research that uses fetal and placental tissue, saying it remains “vital to finding treatments and cures for a wide variety of adult and childhood diseases and medical conditions”.

This comes after the women’s health provider has come under pressure because of a series of undercover videos from anti-abortion protesters.

Orrick on Friday also blocked the Center for Medical Progress from releasing the dates of any of the National Abortion Federation’s future meetings and the names and addresses of its members. In turn, the White House defended the health services provider and denounced the CMP as “extremists on the right”.

9NEWS underwent a lengthy review of the raw video and found a few issues with context in the edited version.


Planned Parenthood’s attacks, Daleiden added, do “not change the facts about what our investigation has uncovered and what the American people now know – that Planned Parenthood is engaged in an enterprise-wide operation that traffics and sells baby body parts”.

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood caught in FOURTH VIDEO showing the horrific