
Trump Wins Washington Primary and Nears Delegate Threshold

By doing so, they will absolutely suppress the vote in the final states that will be cast ballots in the Democratic primary.


Fifty-eight percent of those polled did not like or hated Clinton, while 63 percent said the same for Trump.

Currently, Hillary has 1,750 pledged delegates and Bernie has 1,448 for a difference of 302 delegates. There are 988 pledged delegates remaining up for grabs.

“Today” aired some of that video evidence of Trump calling Paula Jones a “loser” after she accused the former president of sexual harassment, and about 20 years ago Trump said his own treatment of women was probably bad enough to disqualify him from political office.

This is the first time the 69-year-old real estate tycoon has taken a clear lead – 0.2% – in the poll run-up, as proved RealClearPolitics, a polling data aggregator. Not only that, but Washington, D.C. votes on June 14 and should also have their say in the campaign.

The networks know that. And every day it’s going to be the bang, the big headline. He opened up about the road ahead, including what he expects at the Democratic National Convention, to NBC’s Kristen Welker.

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are seeing their negativity ratings climb, and both candidates are unpopular with the electorate at large. In an AP interview Monday, Sanders said the process of crafting the party’s platform and holding its convention could be “messy”, adding, “Democracy is messy”.

Before the global financial crisis left millions of Americans without homes or jobs in 2008, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump expressed excitement over the possibility that a crash would bring him opportunities to fill his coffers.

Now, Hillary’s campaign, and the networks are going to say that these superdelegates are going to vote for Hillary because she won the popular vote or the most delegates, but that’s also a fabrication.

Whether Clinton get those supporters back once she locks up the nomination and Sanders throws his endorsement of her and the Democratic Party remains to be seen.


On Sunday, RCP updated their numbers to show that Trump is now, on average, 0.2 percentage points ahead of Clinton, The Guardian reported. Samantha Bee looked at the specific(!) Bernie supporters who made a decision to use the infuriating cause to harass Nevada Democratic chairwoman Roberta Lange with misogynistic or more generally hateful voicemails and texts, calling her the usual epithets and saying things like “you are a sick twisted, twisted piece of shit and I hope you will burn for this” and “people like you should be hung in a public execution to show this world that we won’t stand for this sort of corruption”. Both candidates have now gained 27 delegates and the last remaining delegate from the sixth congressional district will be awarded to whoever leads in votes.

DEM 2016 Sanders