
Google’s New Products Reflect Push Into Machine Learning

Google plans to do that partly with its Google Home, a portable speaker that takes voice commands, similar in scope to Amazon’s Echo.


The Alphabet Inc. division unveiled a new mobile messaging application Wednesday called Allo containing a digital personal assistant, based on AI technology that powers other Google services like Inbox.

Google Home, for instance, will mostly do the same things already performed by the Echo, a cylinder-like speaker that Amazon released a year ago.

Google is betting it can outsmart rivals on new products-from virtual assistants to messaging apps-with advances in artificial intelligence, technology that helps computers make decisions rather than follow instructions.

But perhaps where the Google Home seems most impressive is that the company appears to want to gear it more as a true smart home IoT device, rather than as a personal assistant.

Another difference between the two devices is that you can own multiple Google Homes, allowing users to place them in a number of rooms around the house, noted the Verge.

Unlike Google Now, the latest Google Assistant seemed to be more conversational, meaning smarter and more humanlike! Like Allo, Duo will offer end-to-end encryption, Kay said. “For the first time, you can use Google in your chats with your friends”. The super simple app has a feature called Knock Knock, which lets you see a live video of the person calling you before you pick up.

You can access songs, playlists, albums, artists, and podcasts from your favourite music services just by asking with your voice, or if you prefer, you can send music from your Android or iOS device through Google Cast…” Like Google’s OnHub router it has a modular case that you can customize with different base shells to match your decor.

To Google, its new assistant is the next iteration of search, part of an effort to further entrench itself in users’ daily lives by answering users’ queries directly rather than pointing them to other sources. It will suggest responses to messages by reading and understanding people’s text conversations.

A platform called Daydream for creating and streamlining virtual reality content was also announced. It will include things like a home screen for navigating your apps and VR content. New phones from Samsung, HTC and Huawei should be Daydream-ready by this fall.


Google also used artificial intelligence to develop the software that defeated the world’s best player in the board game Go, years before experts had forecast. Instead of announcing any new hardware, it showed a generic line drawing of a headset and hand-held remote with motion sensors inside.

Expect virtual reality, artificial intelligence from Google