
Maisie Williams’ ‘Doctor Who’ character isn’t who you think she is

Its a significant role, were not just throwing her away. “Just somebody who’s face is so fascinating”.


Yet, it does seem to matter when thinking about the casting of a new Doctor.

It’s encouraging, at least, that he doesn’t eliminate the possibility of a female Doctor, because it’s been established many times that there’s nothing in the Doctor Who universe that precludes it. But otherwise, Moffat’s logic is lacking. “The thing about the film, it’s not actually up to me”, Moffat said.

Steven Moffat also pointed out that if there is a movie it might be like Futurama and take place of an entire season, according to the Los Angeles Times. She’s a new character, she’s not a character from the Doctor’s past.

Not on the big screen: Moffat once again touched on why he’s not a huge fan of making a Doctor Who movie at this point in the game, because he feels like it’d dilute the product of the TV series. “She is not someone from the Doctor’s past”, the EP said. He doesn’t say anything about the fact she’s a woman.

He added: “Does everyone really want that?” If politics were really “taking a backseat”, then we would have seen one of them by now instead of waiting for a woman who would satisfy “the most conservative member of the audience”. Or the idea that I’ve always been incredibly resistant to, and you’ll be glad to know, Pete, is the idea that you would have a different Doctor in the movie because I think that would just be incredibly damaging to the franchise. Having a companion from the past allows the historical aspect of the show to start being used to teach more frequently, and if you can be entertained and taught at the same time, it’s a win win for those who watch.

When popular Doctor Matt Smith exited the BBC’s “Doctor Who” fans anxiously awaited the reveal of the new Doctor.


Also, dependent on where and when the character is from, they may have a way of life that the Doctor frowns upon, allowing for him to somehow change them into a better person throughout the series. “Michelle plays it so beautifully”. So that’s very surprising. Her entry sparked a lot of speculation from Whovians wondering what her role will be in the hit series.

What will it take to get a female ‘Doctor Who’? Magic