
Planned Parenthood: No tissue donations in NNE

In order to have a nationally accredited ob-gyn program, the school must offer training for all aspects of the field, including abortions, whether elective or medically necessary, said MUSC spokeswoman Heather Woolwine. They do not justify the irrational response of eliminating funding that helps millions of woman stay healthy and avoid unwanted pregnancies.


Eighty-one congressmen are sponsoring H.R. 3134 to defund Planned Parenthood.

Derek Foran, a lawyer for the NAF, claimed the “extremists” have “placed [abortion providers] in personal jeopardy, simply for ensuring the constitutional right of women in this country to make their own reproductive choices”.

“Fetal tissue has been in the public discussion since the 1970s”, said Roberto Dell’Oro, director of the Bioethics Institute and professor of theological studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

CMP sparked controversy this month after releasing several carefully edited videos that they claimed would unveil illegal practices by abortion providers, including one on Thursday of a Planned Parenthood doctor in Colorado.

Second, are Democrats comfortable with what they saw?

David Daleiden, a leader of the Center for Medical Progress who is also named in the suit, said in a statement that Planned Parenthood and its allies were trying to silence the group and suppress investigative journalism.

“Has America gone from protecting the weakest members of its society to “[offering the] largest variety of raw material [baby parts] in the industry, as well as fresh (non-frozen) and cryopreserved human primary cells” as stated on their website?

Dell’Oro suggested that Catholics acquaint themselves with two “instructional” documents from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith – “Donum Vitae” (“The Gift of Life”) and “Dignitas Personae” (“The Dignity of a Person”) – which address new technologies associated with life issues, including the acquisition and utilization of “biological material” (such as embryonic stem cells and fetal tissue) that is of “illicit” origin. House committees are investigating the abortion giant. For example, PP admitted that its more than 700 Planned Parenthood facilities and clinics in the U.S. alone conducted 327,653 abortions in the previous fiscal year.

It is also not rational – whatever your position in the abortion debate. Talking about baby parts over salad and wine?

Planned Parenthood contends it abides by a law that allows providers to be reimbursed for the costs of processing tissue donated by women who have had abortions.

Among the documents was a “Fee-for-Services” Schedule A, effective June 1998, which outlined a charge of $220 per specimen for first-trimester aspiration abortions and $260 if the baby parts were frozen.

Twenty-six Republicans have signed a letter asking the Legislative Audit Council to review any taxpayer money provided to Planned Parenthood’s clinics in Columbia and Charleston.

There is no evidence to suggest body parts are being sold for profit.

Additionally, the SBA report notes that after Clinton announced that she was running for president, Planned Parenthood sent out a press release welcoming her to the presidential field and called her candidacy a “historic moment”.


At Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, for instance, only about 10 out of 8,000 active research protocols involve fetal tissue, as reported by an official at the Harvard-affiliated hospital who asked to remain anonymous.

Abortion supporters get respite as courts issue TRO for videos
