
Clinton Declines To Participate In Fox News Dem Debate

According to Breitbart News, “If Sanders wins, he could conceivably block his rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, from reaching the 2,383-delegate majority she needs to clinch the party’s nomination”.


“We have declined Fox News’ invitation to participate in a debate in California”, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement.

For Hillary Clinton, this means highlighting a recording of Trump saying he hopes for a housing collapse because he could profit from buying discounted property. Recent polls show Clinton in a tight race with Republican candidate Donald Trump.

“I don’t like doing that, but I have no choice, but I have to do it”, Trump said.

Democrat Hillary Clinton, seeking to dampen Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s growing appeal with working-class voters, on Tuesday accused him of having cheered on the 2008 housing market crash. Only three have taken place so far.

Bernie Sanders has always been an outspoken opponent of the type of information disseminated on Fox News. Only 66% percent of Sanders supporters say they’d vote for Clinton in November, which her supporters say will rise if Sanders drops out. More than 50 percent of stated Clinton supporters in the poll said they oppose Trump more than they support a Clinton presidency, while Trump supporters with the same state of voting mind were slightly more numerous than said Clinton supporters.

“I also would suggest that Secretary Clinton may want to be not quite so presumptuous about thinking that she is a certain victor”, he said.

The Institute for Policy and Opinion Research surveyed 610 likely Virginia voters in the last two weeks. Unfortunately, he was also the only one to agree to the Fox News debate. Political considerations aside, Clinton’s appearances on the network are few and far between. The Canova campaign also said that another $65,000 in small-dollar donations poured into his coffers for the South Florida Democratic primary in late August. Gore went on to beat him in the popular vote, though Bush ultimately won the Electoral College vote and the White House.

In other words, it was promoted as a way to appeal to moderates.

For the Clinton campaign, the proposal was a non-starter. Time will tell if any do. “He knew everything that was going on and then all of a sudden he committed suicide”, Trump went on to say, questioning what Clinton’s possible role in Foster’s death really was. Her speech was more general election-themed than aimed towards the primary.


Clinton has largely tried to avoid talking about the potential California debate.

Former President Bill Clinton