
Tsipras attacks SYRIZA dissenters

“We have to agree that we can’t go on this way”, Tsipras said, adding that “the absurdity of this peculiar and unprecedented dualism” within the party must stop.


“More reforms are expected as part of the statement from the Greek authorities, to allow for a swift disbursement”, Andreeva told reporters on Monday. So far, the country has received about 240 billion euros from the European Union and the global Monetary Fund.

Greece’s latest cycle of talks with its creditors started with a quarrel, as officials argued over which up-front commitments the government has yet to implement in order to tap emergency loans next month.

European Economics Commissioner Pierre Moscovici laughed off Varoufakis’s disclosures about a “Plan B” he had developed with a covert five-member unit that would have involved hacking into citizens’ tax codes to create a parallel payments system.

Tsipras is gambling that with a win, he would neutralize the rebel party members, a group who contend the terms are too painful and that Greece would be better off leaving the euro.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Wednesday he would call a snap election if he did not receive a parliamentary majority, during an interview with Greece’s Sto Kokkino radio station.

A Greek prosecutor has opened an investigation into whether any laws were violated during his covert contingency planning, court officials said on Wednesday.

Replying to his critics who note that the government has made too many concessions and backtracked from pre-election pledges, Tsipras said that the struggle to change things in Greece to the benefit of people continues.

In the stormy days leading up to the July 13 agreement, Tsipras called a referendum on whether to accept creditors’ demands for further austerity – which Greeks voted against – and was forced to impose strict controls on bank withdrawals to stop panicking depositors from emptying their accounts.

Last week, EU Commissioner on Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici said that Greece’s creditors were ready to provide debt relief for Athens if the country fully delivered on the terms of the freshly-agreed third bailout package.

Earlier on the same day, a recording of a phone conversation between former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis and some UK-based investors which took, place on July 16, was leaked to the press.

Greece’s ruling coalition has split over the country’s bailout deal with creditors.

“It is important not to look into the past, but the future”, she said. However, according to the report, he said the plan had never been approved by Mr Tsipras.

“In truth, the question is not whether Greek debt should be restructured, but how to do it so it really benefits the country’s economy“, he told French daily Le Monde. Greece needs more finance by August. 20, when it owes a 3.5 billion euro payment to the European Central Bank.


“The genie of eurozone exit has escaped in the Greek crisis and won’t easily get back in the bottle”, Coeure said.

Greece launches bailout talks as Plan B details revealed