
Arkansas Woman’s “Hot” Mugshot Sweeps Internet

After being featured on the Tumblr site Ugly Plastic, however, Seawright has recently risen to viral fame due to her angelic, #IWokeUpLikeThis mugshot, earning herself the nickname #PrisonBae.


In 2015 Jeremy Meeks was sentenced to prison time in California for weapons violations, but his sculpted cheekbones helped him land job offers when he got out earlier this year. One day he’ll take the world by storm with his modeling campaigns, but for now he’s stuck contending with parole officers.

Seawright is standing accused of first degree battery, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, hindering prosecution and tampering with physical evidence, according to police records.

Social media is a fickle place.

According to the New York Daily News, Sarah Seawright was arrested in Pulaski County, Arkansas in late April for failure to appear in court in connection with a 2014 arrest for a careless driving charge.

Commented user, Lil Nicki Vert: ‘She could stab me 9 times and I’d apologize and buy her Chipolte’.

But whatever! She’s hot! Seawright is even using #prisonbae in her own tweets. In any case, judging from Sarah’s Facebook page, she’s free (for now) and loving her new-found fame.

Which poses the question, what’s next for Sarah Seawright?


Seawright’s photo follows in a line of attractive mugshots popularized by “hot convict” Jeremey Meeks..

Sarah Seawright reportedly was taken into custody in April for failure to appear in court in connection to a careless driving arrest