
Donald Trump breaks with nation’s only Latina governor

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton takes the stage before speaking at a United Food and Commercial Workers International union Legislative and Political Affairs conference, Thursday, May 26, 2016, in Las Vegas.


If that actually happens, it might just validate the prediction from Trump supporter and Republican activist Michael Der Manouel Jr., who said: “This is going to be the biggest political event in the history of Fresno”. “We’ve had tremendous support from nearly everybody”. Two Trump supporters wearing “Trump” T-shirts confronted the protesters and yelled at them outside of Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church. Her advice to Trump: “Stop shooting inside the tent”. Even so, Foster Friess, who backed Rick Santorum in his last two presidential campaigns, said he has made a donation to Trump because “the choice is stark”. Trump can now turn his attention to likely democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The Republican said he’d “love to debate Bernie”, but would want the debate to raise at least $10 million for charity.

White House hopeful Donald Trump claimed victory Thursday in the Republican nomination race, while shrugging off criticism from the man he aims to replace, President Barack Obama, who blasted the billionaire’s ignorance and arrogant attitude. But Trump got there first.

His total count of delegates reached 1,238 after a small number of unbound party delegates told the AP that they would support him. Among them was Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

During his speech, Trump said he would “make a strong play” in California, adding “I am going to make a heavy, heavy, heavy play because I honestly think with getting these massive crowds … we are going to win California”.

“If I had to pick one of those”, Scott said, “I’d vote for Trump”. But Clinton turned down the Fox News-hosted event, and instead Donald Trump has offered to take her place in a debate against Sanders. “I’d just rather not have the conversation with my family”, said Natalie Lally, a 22-year-old college student from New York City whose large extended family has Colombian roots.

The farm lobby, a heavyweight player in California’s water wars, also is seeking federal and state approval for billions of dollars in new water tunnels, dams, water distribution plans, and other projects. “For months, drama and tumult have rocked the Republican Party, as a fervent anti-Trump movement launched a full-on onslaught to derail his candidacy”. But that truce appeared to be short-lived. As Vox pointed out, Trump’s policy sounds similar to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s (who ripped Trump over his economic-policy ideas back in March). His campaign also released a celebratory Instagram video that features a montage of former rivals, including Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, saying he would never be the party’s nominee.


Trump’s pivotal moment comes amid a new sign of internal problems.

Trump Reaches the Magic Number to Clinch Nomination