
Rumor: Final Fantasy XII is getting a remake

At the end of a Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert in Pittsburgh, composer Arnie Roth may have slipped out news that a Final Fantasy XII remake is coming out soon. Hopefully, if it does exist, this version of Final Fantasy 12 will take after the vastly superior worldwide Zodiac Job System version that never made it to western shores. Distant Worlds held a concert in Pittsburg on Saturday evening. Still, one has to believe that having Arnie Roth reveal the game is probably not how Squre Enix wanted to let the cat out of the bag, if a Final Fantasy 12 remaster is in fact happening.


A full blown Remake definitely wouldn’t be possible for Final Fantasy XII but a HD Remaster like Final Fantasy X seems more likely here. There will also be a summoning feature, allowing players to summon and/or transform into notable figures in the Final Fantasy series.


We’ve reached out to Square Enix for comment, but don’t expect the publisher to confirm or deny. Since the Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster is a major success for them, selling more than half million copies in Japan alone, this news shouldn’t be surprising if it turns out to be true.

Final Fantasy XII