
Clinton misstates key facts in email episode

Clinton is a candidate for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. She now says: “everything I had to say was out there”. U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled Thursday that recordings of her deposition are to be kept under seal over concerns the video might be used “as part of partisan attack” against Clinton.


Colin Powell was the only secretary of state who used personal email for work, but not to the extent she did, and he did not use a private server.

“Let’s get separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible”, Clinton replied.

In the first of at least seven depositions pertaining to Clinton’s email usage, the former State Department deputy executive secretary, Lewis Lukens, revealed that Clinton’s staff told him that she was “not adept” at using a computer and that the staff had sought a special room to enable BlackBerry access.

Asked whether an Federal Bureau of Investigation interview with her has been scheduled, she said: “No, it’s not, but I have offered since last August and I am looking forward to see this matter wrapped up”. “No one else can say that”.

“The fact is people have official accounts, they have personal accounts, and when it comes to personal they don’t want their personal accounts made public”, Clinton told Todd. “Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary”.

In spare bureaucratic language, the inspector general, an Obama appointee, said the former secretary of state clearly violated State Department policies when she insisted on using a personal email server instead of the government’s email system.

This is beneath a headline that reads: “Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules”.

Use of the private server made it impossible for the department to comply with Freedom of Information requests without her personal cooperation.

It’s worth noting that Clinton and several top aides refused to be interviewed by the inspector general.

This afternoon Trump said he’d do it if they could raise $10 to $15 million for charity that benefits women.

On Thursday, Clinton, who has called her use of a private email server “a mistake”, said she had been forthcoming with her personal emails and said she believed her use of a private email account was allowed.

According to The Hill, an influential United States political website, Judge Emmet Sullivan accepted a plea Cheryl Mills, Mrs Clinton’s former chief of staff, to block publication of video clips of her giving a sworn statement to lawyers.

The exchange occurred in November 2010 between Clinton and her top aide, Huma Abedin. So concerned was the Clinton inner circle at State that instructions were sent out not to email “anything sensitive” to the secretary.

But it singled out Clinton for her decision to use a private server in her home in Chappaqua, New York, for government business.

Clinton has a strong grasp of public policy and is well-qualified to be president.

In January, after reports said some emails on Mrs. Clinton’s home-brewed email server weren’t just classified, but were more than top-secret, Mrs. Clinton’s team replied: “It is alarming that the intelligence community [IG], working with Republicans in Congress, continues to selectively leak materials in order to resurface the same allegations and try to hurt Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign”. But none of the three newly-disclosed emails to Abedin were found in those records.


The review encompassed the email and information practices of the past five secretaries of state, finding them “slow to recognize and to manage effectively the legal requirements and cybersecurity risks associated with electronic data communications, particularly as those risks pertain to its most senior leadership”.

State Department report faults Clinton over email use