
In Hiroshima, Obama honours ‘silent cry’ of bombing victims

He paid tribute to victims of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima on Friday, the first American leader to visit the city devastated by the bomb that helped end World War II.


Mr Obama said the memory of August 6, 1945, must never fade, but did not apologise for the United States attack – the world’s first nuclear bombing.

“Death fell from the sky and the world was changed”, Obama said, after laying a wreath, closing his eyes and briefly bowing his head before an arched stone monument in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park that honors those killed on August 6, 1945.

In his address, he said: “Death fell from the sky and the world was changed”.

Obama concluded his remarks by saying that peace is worth protecting.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki loom large in the annals of world history and our species’ collective conscience.

A more than 50 percent plunge in commodity prices was a key signal of the risks to growth, Abe said.

The commentary also accused Japan of trying to use the visit to masquerade as a victim and cover up its atrocities during World War II.

Not everyone felt this way, of course, and more than 50 years later, there are many Japanese who insist that an official apology from the very much warranted.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is sharing a push by the Group of Seven advanced industrial nations to promote inclusive growth across the globe in meetings with leaders of seven developing countries.

Some Americans objected to Obama’s visit to Hiroshima. Although he was out of ear shot of reporters, Obama could be seen laughing and smiling with 91-year-old Sunao Tsuboi.

“We are out of the crisis but we are suffering the legacy of the crisis”, Lagarde said, pointing to bad loans on the books of companies and banks as one of the biggest causes of concern. “Help me!'” she said.

Before laying the wreath, Obama visited a museum where haunting displays include photographs of badly burned victims, the tattered and stained clothes they wore and statues depicting people with flesh melting from their limbs.

“We come to mourn the dead, including over 100,000 Japanese men, women and children, thousands of Koreans and a dozen Americans held prisoner”. He participatedbin his final G-7 Summit in Ise-Shima, Japan, before becoming the first USA president to visit Hiroshima, the site of the world’s first atomic bombing.

As he has done before, Obama cast a moral equivalence between different civilizations, implying that Americans were just as bad as the Imperial Japanese, or anyone else. Critics also fault the administration for planning a big and costly program to upgrade USA nuclear stockpiles. “Even now it fills me with emotion”.

There are blast survivors who want Obama to listen to their stories, to see their scars – physical and otherwise. Tens of thousands more died in the subsequent months and years from burns and radiation-related illnesses.


Abe welcomed the president’s message and offered his own determination “to realize a world free of nuclear weapons, no matter how long or how hard the road will be”. The Hiroshima visit must be a reminder to the next administration that more reductions are not only possible, they are necessary.

U.S. President Barack Obama hugs Shigeaki Mori an atomic bomb survivor creator of the memorial for American WWII POWs killed at Hiroshima during a ceremony at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima western Japan Friday May 27