
Things We Want To See In Season 3 Of The Flash

In that story, The Flash finally returns back to the moment when his mother was killed and he stops the event from happening, but in doing so, he sets off a chain reaction of events that forever changes his world and everybody else’s world around him. But does that mean Tom Cavanagh is leaving the show altogether? With that news, fans are wondering who will return and luckily we know a few details regarding the casting for Season 3. Although the site, is left speculating what form Cavanagh’scharacter may take.


In the Season 2 finale, after Barry (Grant Gustin) lost his father and defeated the season’s big bad, Zoom (Teddy Sears), he chose to reverse the decision he made in the Season 1 finale and go back in time to stop Reverse-Flash (Cavanagh) from killing his mother when he was young. Through the first two seasons, Tom Cavanagh played three different versions of Harrison Wells.

We do think that the third season for the show is going to eventually establish the equilibrium once more where we have a chance to see Barry Allen as he was, at least to a certain extent.

So, on that note, join us as we take a look at what we most want to see in season 3 of The Flash when it races back to TV this Fall.


Speaking with Variety, Shipp explained that the character of Henry Allen was close-ended given that he was given a objective at the beginning of the series and he had fulfilled that goal when Barry (Grant Gustin) broke him out of prison and the two got some time to bond together. “His whole perspective on life is to constantly move forward with his life, and let his past be a part of it, but stay optimistic and kind of live your life”.

Tom Cavangh as Harrison Wells