
West Nile Virus seems to be Dropping in Mesa County

The Blue Jay was collected south of Champaign in Arcola Township last May.


West Nile is transmitted through the bite of a Culex pipiens mosquito, commonly called a house mosquito that has picked up the virus by feeding on an infected bird.

Symptoms of WNV infection are often mild and may include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, a rash, muscle weakness or swollen lymph nodes. People who show symptoms of or test positive for Zika should follow these precautions for three weeks.

The first batch of mosquitoes with West Nile Virus in Nashville was confirmed by the Metro Public Health department. In rare cases, severe illness including meningitis or encephalitis, or even death, can occur.

The Zika Virus seems to be the main concern when it comes to transferring from mosquito to mosquito, but Mesa County doesn’t breed that type of insect, there are other viruses the species is known to spread.

Taking steps to knock out potential mosquito breeding sites can greatly reduce the risk of Zika and West Nile virus in IN as the local mosquito season ramps up, says Purdue University medical entomologist Catherine Hill.

– Avoid areas where mosquitoes are prevalent. That is allowing the crews to treat areas in the community with West Nile virus-positive mosquitoes much faster. Fix or replace screens that have tears or other openings.

That’s according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Try to keep doors and windows shut.

– Most mosquito species bite during dawn, dusk, twilight hours and night.


Price said he and his team monitor West Nile levels throughout the summer, and they will begin sending out press releases if the number of cases is high.

Mosquito testing