
DPRK Uninterested in Nuclear Program Talks With US

North Korea’s nuclear program is a major regional concern.


“This looks like part of Kim Jong Un’s plan to solidify his hereditary succession, carry on his father’s mantle”, says Curtis Melvin, a North Korea researcher at Johns Hopkins’ U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, who has studied the country’s geography extensively using satellite imagery.

“It’s over 60 years considering that the ceasefire on (the) terrain, but peacefulness hasn’t but completed onto it”, he instructed the conference, which included high level officials, vets and diplomats stationed in Pyongyang”.

Meanwhile in North Korea, Jul 27 was hailed as Victory Day over the United States which led the UN forces that fought alongside South Korea. “The past Korean War brought about the beginning of the downhill turn for the US, but the second Korean war will bring the final ruin to US imperialism”.

The Korea-U.S. alliance is developing into a “global alliance” that deals with not only bilateral issues, but also global matters, Kim said, adding that he is certain the alliance will become stronger in the future.

Much of the concern over North Korea’s development of ballistic missile capabilities is that they could be used to deliver nuclear weapons.

“It demonstrates again our willingness, when we have a willing counterpart, and it demonstrates our flexibility when the DPRK makes a decision that it wants to take a different path”, he said, referring to North Korea by the initials of its formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Experts estimated that it has a dozen nuclear weapons, and it can build a miniaturize warhead for a Nodong and possibly other missiles.

United Nations: A North Korean ambassador said in New York on Tuesday that Pyongyang might launch a new missile test in October.

The six parties involved in the talks – the two Koreas, China, Japan, Russian Federation and the United States – have not met for more than six years, and every effort to revive the dialogue process has stalled. The deal’s comprehensive inspections in return for lifting sanctions would be counter to the logic of the North Korea’s nuclear program.


Both Tehran and Pyongyang, allies since Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, have been subjected to tough economic sanctions over their controversial nuclear programmes. Some people believed that the Iran nuclear deal could serve as an outline for an eventual nuclear negotiation with North Korea.

North's Rodong Sinmun newspaper shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un delivering a congratulatory address during a national meeting of veterans in Pyongyang