
Donald Trump’s frequent change of mind an issue of concern: Bernie Sanders

Trump said in his statement Friday, however, that the networks were “not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues”.


“As much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders”, Trump added, “I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party”.

I hope that he changes his mind, again.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee now says he won’t debate the Democratic White House candidate – something Trump had initially seemed open to on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Moderator Chuck Todd asked if his campaign is over if he loses in California.

He repeated he wanted to focus on his platform of elevating the middle class and guaranteeing health care to all Americans, but Dickerson wondered if Sanders would use Clinton’s email woes in his pitch to superdelegates, perhaps out of fear that Donald Trump could use it against her in a general election. Is Bernie Sanders doing damage to Hillary Clinton, hurting her chances against Donald Trump by fighting this hard, this long? California will award the majority of the remaining delegates following its June 7 primary, according to the New York Times. Some are blaming Senator Bernie Sanders for that growing division, criticizing him for remaining in the race and continuing to criticize Secretary Clinton.

Sanders went on to discuss the important role California, America’s most populous state, plays in determining who will be the Democratic presidential candidate, the issue of Clinton-leaning superdelegates and, briefly, Clinton’s ongoing email scandal.

The State Department’s inspector general found in a report made public on Wednesday that the e-mail setup violated department rules, that Clinton never sought permission for it, and that the proposal would have been rejected if she had. A new Public Policy Institute of California poll shows that Clinton and Sanders are in a dead heat among voters. “She wants to win California”. On Baier’s program, Charles Krauthammer called Trump’s participation in a debate with Sanders “my idea of genius”, explaining “how can Trump lose” and that Clinton will be the big loser because “she’s not going to be there”. “We’re leading in nearly every poll now”, Trump said.

Sanders told “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson that it is this sort of behavior that makes Trump an untrustworthy candidate.


“All that I am saying is for those superdelegates who came onboard before I was even in the race, you have got the very grave responsibility to make sure that Trump does not become elected president of the United States”.

Donald Trump Holds Rally in San Diego After Turning Down Debate With Sanders