
Remembering and honoring those who gave all

Perkasie and Sellersville Memorial Day parade begins at 9 Seventh and Market streets, Perkasie, and ends at Perkasie’s Menlo Park at 10 a.m. for a memorial service. American Legion Post 271 will hold an open house following the Liberty Park ceremony.


Lt. Col. Richard Fisher, Great Plains Joint Training Center, will be the guest speaker at a Memorial Day ceremony at Sunset Park War Memorial, 700 sunset Drive. “So to continue the mistreatment of Vietnam veterans is somewhat shocking, somewhat shocking and quite sad”, Francisco said.

Florence, Ky. – The City of Florence’s Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30.

The St. Albans Parade, which begins at BFA High School at 11:00 a.m. It will proceed down Burlington Pike and Ewing Boulevard to the Boone County Veterans Memorial.

With the Veterans Memorial in Chico’s City Plaza, as well as the veteran sections of local cemeteries, the Oroville park will give the north state another spot to reflect, honor and give thanks.

Scocos says this is the 150th anniversary of Memorial Day, created to bring together a divided nation.

Along the parade route the march will pause on Veteran’s Bridge where the Grand Marshall and Lincoln Park Mayor will place a memorial wreath. To veterans, it’s a day of remembrance of the brothers and sisters that didn’t come home.

As for the disagreement about where and when the holiday was first celebrated, could we simply agree that this commemoration, one of the most American of holidays, grew out of a national determination to pay homage to our selfless individual soldiers who laid down their very lives out of a desire to preserve freedom for future generations? Speaker Beth West. Sponsored by Anoka County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 470. “People took the time that day to clean and decorate with flowers and flags the graves of those who fell in service to their country”.

Rising Sun, Ind. – The Rising Sun American Legion will hold a Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 30. Our constant state of warfare has become a part of background noise many people try to ignore. However, some southern states still maintain separate celebrations to honor just Confederate soldiers, like January 19 in Texas, April 26 in Georgia and June 3 in Louisiana. The ceremony will feature patriotic music, the lowering of the flags at the memorial to half-staff, prayers, and an address by South Carolina Department of the American Legion 1st Vice Commander Robert Scherer. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m.


Rockford: 10 a.m. parade starts from Rockford Middle School, with services at the Crow River and Elmwood Cemetery. Service follows at noon at the Lehigh-Northampton Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 287 Lehigh St., Macungie. A program will be held following the parade at the Wyoming Cemetery.

The Ceremony will be Monday May 30 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m