
Veterans plan Memorial Day commemoration

Darlene Stanford of Kindred Hospice says that they have been hosting a similar ceremony in Greenville for the past three years and “because the town square in Sulphur Springs is so appropriate”, they chose to hold the ceremony in Sulphur Srpings this year.


From the Revolutionary War that began in 1775 until the Iraqi War and the ongoing Global War on Terrorism, Americans including men and women from the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys have fought and died to protect our freedoms. The Iraq war cost more than 4,000 lives.

Each plaque has a sponsor, and one of the plaques is dedicated to all service members and every branch of the military.

The keynote speaker will be Col. Thomas Kunkel, Moody Air Force Base wing commander. Those who have been called have answered knowing they would be sent into harm’s way.

In 1868, the leader of the Northern Civil War veterans, General John A. Logan, declared that May 30 would be Decoration Day “designated for the goal of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion”, according to

The Patriot Guard Riders, Western Slope Chapters of the Harley Owners Group, and dozens of community members came to honor those who have served our country.

Sag Harbor’s Memorial Day celebration will take place starting at 9 a.m. on Monday at the World War I monument at Otter Pond.

“We’re getting a different perspective this year”, Johnstone said. Why America has been a symbol of strength. This day was set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. “There’s a lot of them that I’ve known since I was a kid”.

The idea of an organized Memorial Day dates to after the American Civil War.

Guam has had many of its sons and daughters killed while serving in uniform, a higher percentage, per capita, than the rest of the United States.


Whether at a veterans cemetery or during other holiday weekend activities, take a moment and remember the reason for the long weekend – it was earned for us by those who selflessly sacrificed on our behalf.

Liberty defines us makes us who we are and without it the United States would not be the United States. Today — Memorial Day — we thank the individuals who gave us the precious freedom that unites us as a country