
Game of Thrones producers: We’re sorry about that death on Sunday

Game of Thrones returns this Sunday night at 9pm ET on HBO.


Of course the character was also famous for his lack of language skills; he only communicated using variations on his own name, ‘Hodor’. “We kill a lot of main characters”, Benioff said. Not only was it shocking, it was also incredibly sad. Instead, they are sorry for what is now happening because of his demise. “Game Of Thrones”, which is based on novels by George R.R. Martin, and is a dramatic telling of a story entwined with sneaky ploys, nudity and bloodshed in a quest to claim the “Iron Throne”.

Perhaps the most talked about event in the recently aired episode of “Game of Thrones” Season 6 is Hodor and the cave scene.

Just to remind you, “Hodor” = “Hold The Door”.

There’s little doubt that third twist will be a huge moment to play out as Game of Thrones comes to a close over the next few years. But even if the next episode has just one death, it could cause a major shake-up.

“I couldn’t be happier how he has gone out”, he said.

“The interesting thing is it’s kinda left open”, he told Entertainment Weekly. You don’t actually see him [die].

The first took place in the ninth episode of season five, when Stannis agreed to allow Melisandre to burn his daughter Shireen. Unfortunately, George RR Martin didn’t let him stay longer, now that the Game of Thrones fans finally understood his background. The actor shared with EW, “I got The Call”. Because if so then creators D.B Weiss and David Benioff have something to say to you – they’re sorry.

And besides, if you’re ever being chased by an army of zombies, waiting for the NY subway to arrive is absolutely not going to save you.


“I like that he sacrificed himself for his friends”.

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