
North Korean media praises Donald Trump

In yet another twist to an election season that has torn up every political script ever written, the nation Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said is ruled by “a maniac” is coming out on his behalf to endorse his candidacy. He’s emotionally unstable, he’s markedly un-diplomatic, and he openly advocates tactics that qualify as war crimes.


Mr Trump recently said he would be willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and has also proposed withdrawing USA troops from South Korea.

In a weird move that is certainly unprecedented, an editorial from North Korean state media outlet DPRK Today has endorsed Donald J. Trump for the American presidency.

“In my personal opinion, there are many positive aspects to the Trump’s ‘inflammatory policies, ‘” the writer, named as Han Yong Mook, and described as a Chinese North Korean scholar, wrote in his editorial.

A senior North Korean official arrived in Beijing on Tuesday in a surprise visit that comes just hours after Pyongyang unsuccessfully attempted to launch a medium-range ballistic missile from its eastern coast.

The United States plans to use upcoming talks with top Chinese officials to discuss ways to bring greater pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions. “Yes do it, now …” Although China criticized Pyongyang’s recent nuclear test, experts say Beijing may not go too far against its old ally. In a brief report from Pyongyang, China’s official Xinhua news agency said Ri would stay in Beijing for three days.

North Korea has claimed that a new set of powerful sanctions slapped by the European Union (EU) on the regime last week will only allow the North to make itself stronger.

“(Trump is) the Dennis Rodman of American politics – quirky, flamboyant, risk-taking.

“This is very striking”, said Aidan Foster-Carter of the University of Leeds.


“As strategic cooperative partners, South Korea and China maintain close communication with regards to North Korea affairs”, Cho June-hyuck, spokesperson for the ministry, said in a regular press briefing. Since May 17, Pyongyang published a government statement with the aim of improving relations with Seoul, and notified the South Korean government of a willingness to resume inter-Korean military talks.

N. Korea sends top official to China