
Torch Run for Special Olympics

The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) in support of Special Olympics BC began the first leg of its journey on Tuesday morning in Abbotsford.


The rally took place at Jefferson Square Park and from there the race participants started their route down 6th Street to River Road.

Businesses and members of the community can join in support of Special Olympics Maryland by purchasing a Law Enforcement Torch Run T-shirt for $10. Torch Run Athletes will run laps round the track at the school.

The tradition brings together more than 3,000 volunteers from throughout Southern California, including U.S. Border Patrol, the FBI, California Highway Patrol, and the San Diego Sheriff’s Department to increase awareness and raise funds for Special Olympics San Diego County.

This annual event is a favorite of the Bainbridge department.

Joe’s Crab Shack fittingly sponsored the run, as they were one of the sponsors of the landmark Polar Bear Plunge where 129 people jumped into the freezing Ohio River in 1986. The public is invited and encouraged to attend Opening Ceremonies and Summer Games events throughout the weekend at no cost.


The “Flame of Hope” is making its way to Wichita for the annual Special Olympics Summer Games.

Bainbridge police run for Special Olympics