
Iran Publishes E-book on How one can Destroy Israel

The 416-page guide is entitled “Palestine”, stories.


Khamenei described in book as “flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem”.

He crystalizes his argument with three key phrases all through the e-book, in accordance with the Submit.

“Despite Khamenei’s claim that he does not seek to wage a “classical” war against Israel or “massacre Jews”, Taheri noted that one of the words Khamenei used to refer to Israel was “‘nabudi” which means “annihilation.'”.

Khamenei wrote that his proposal is not based on anti-Semitism, which he claimed was a European phenomenon, but on “well-established Islamic principles”. This goes on the opinion in Islam that land which was once owned by Muslims can never be ruled by non-Muslims again.

“What issues in Islam is possession of a land’s authorities, even when almost all of inhabitants are non-Muslims”, in accordance with the report.

The ayatollah additionally conveys that considered one of his “most cherished needs” is to someday pray in Jerusalem, the Submit reviews.

Rather than use traditional warfare Khamenei recommends a slow, methodical terrorist attacks that would make life unbearable for Jews who he believes would ultimately leave for the U.S. and Europe essentially handing the land over to Muslims.

The United States was the prime negotiator in the July 14 agreement between world powers and Iran to curtail Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions, and its engagement is essential for implementing it.

He said this “practical and logical mechanism” would have Israel under Muslim rule with some Jews being allowed to stay as a “protected minority” but only after proving “genuine roots”.

Khameni does not call for wiping out Israel with a nuclear bomb.

The supreme leader’s top three reasons for wanting to destroy the Jewish state include: its occupation of Jerusalem, its unflagging belligerence against Muslims and its intimate relationship with the “Great Satan”, the United States.

Under Khamenei’s scheme, Israel, plus the West Bank and Gaza, would revert to a United Nations mandate for a brief period during which a referendum is held to create the new state of Palestine. But studies by the Islamic Foreign Ministry in Tehran suggest that at least eight million Palestinians across the globe would be able to vote against 2.2 million Jews “acceptable” as future second-class citizens of new Palestine.

He does not make clear whether the Kingdom of Jordan, which is located in 80% of historic Palestine, would be included in his one-state scheme.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the head of the Muslim nation, is said to have released the extensive plan, which recommends driving Israelis out of the Middle East with endless war, even as his officials were bargaining with the White House. His latest scheme is to recruit “fighters” in the West Bank to set up Hezbollah-style units.

“We have intervened in anti-Israel matters, and it brought victory in the 33-day war by Hezbollah against Israel in 2006 and in the 22-day war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip”,

he reportedly wrote.


“If there was such a thing … we don’t know why it happened and how”, Khamenei wrote, according to Taheri who posted translated excerpts in the New York Post and the Gatestone Institute website.

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