
Pakistan court declares MQM chief Altaf Hussain an absconder

The political leadership of Pakistan reacted strongly against Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain’s controversial address to party workers in American city Dallas, Dunya News reported. “We are left with no option but to stick to the Mohajir politics when the state starts squeezing us under different pretexts”, he said. “The language used by Altaf Hussain can be of an enemy”.


The irrigation & information minister said targeted operation in Karachi being conducted by police and Rangers was against terrorists and criminals.

He added that, “Sarcastic poems were read against the armed forces of Pakistan and accusations were levelled against the army”.

“The speech made from MQM’s London Office is a conspiracy against the of sovereignty and integrity of the country, as it invited foreign forces and India to interfere in Pakistan’s internal matters”.

Regarding the ongoing operation in Karachi, Nisar said that the operation was being conducted without any discrimination. Sattar said the MQM has been struggling to become a national party but some “hidden forces” have always obstructed the party’s campaigns in other parts of the country. “As a result of the operation there has been noticeable decrease in rime and terrorism cases”.


Responding to a question the federal interior minister said that the media has ended live broadcasts of Husasin’s speeches and the government is also considering a blanket ban on airing his speeches.

Nisar Says MQM Chief Altaf Hussian Crossed All Limits