
You can now cut into Donald Trump in Surgeon Simulator

Another feature specific to the Inside Donald Trump operation is the ability to transplant either a stone or gold heart into Drumpf.


In a press release, Bossa Studios calls expressing opinions on politicians through heart surgery, “the most democratic method around”. Players will have to contend with the Trump Steak, Trump Vodka and Trump Tower that the room is now outfitted with, as well as the small hands that Donald Trump self-reportedly doesn’t have.

Finally, since this surgery is supposedly taking place in America, players will now also receive a bill at the end of the surgery.

In patient Trump’s case, you have to perform a (somewhat) simple heart transplant. A running total cost of the procedures will be updated on the tracker as well. It’s a modest price for what will likely be an hour of laughs, especially when the internet inevitably does what it does and all-out trolls its user base with a Donald Trump Heart of Gold surgery preference. “We can’t wait to see how they “vote”!” For a limited time, owners of Surgeon Simulator 2013 can upgrade for only £0.40p ($0.60) and first time surgeons can get Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition for £1.40 ($2.00).

Surgeon Simulator puts players in the position of surgeon as the Republican candidate goes under the knife. With their games being played by millions of gamers worldwide, Bossa aims to create games FOR FUN’S SAKE!


The DLC is free for those who have Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition. Bossa is trying to keep its game relevant and entertaining to watch since Surgeon Simulator has already found a lot of success by catering to a crowd that wants to stream amusing and unusual experiences to their personal YouTube and Twitch channels.

'Surgeon Simulator' now lets you rip Donald Trump's heart out