
Standing Complements Your Health, Study

Dr Genevieve Healy, of the University of Queensland, which carried out the research, said: “We found that time spent standing rather than sitting was significantly associated with lower levels of blood sugar and blood fats”.


The Australian study, published Thursday night in the European Heart Journal, had almost 800 men and women between 36 and 80 years old track their activity with devices. The monitors accurately tracked how long each participant spent sleeping, sitting or lying down, standing and stepping (including walking and running, too.).

Replacing sitting time with stepping out was also associated with a significant reduction in waistline and BMI. This allows for lower blood fat and sugar levels as well as an 11 percent lower average Body Mass index and possibly a three-inch smaller average waistline.

In addition, average blood sugar levels fell by approximately 11 percent and average triglycerides by 14 percent for every two hours spent walking rather than sitting.

Study says: “These findings provide important preliminary evidence on the potential benefits of standing for cardio-metabolic risk biomarkers”.

“This has important public health implications given that standing is a common behaviour”. She concluded that the message of the study is that people should sit less, stand up and move more. However, there was no significant difference on BMI or waistline when it came to sitting versus standing. The monitors were worn 24 hours a day for seven days.

Replacing your 2 hour of time from sitting to standing, it will improve your health a lot better with lower sugar sources and blood fat and 11% less average of BMI and 3 inch less waist line.

If you sit at a desk job all day, or just like sitting, you have probably heard that it is not good for you, but a new study is telling us that standing, even without overexertion, can be very good for your health. “A person walking while at work for two hours, standing for another four hours, and performing some daily chores at home for another hour will burn more calories than jogging or running for 60 minutes”.

Good health may be acquired from changing a seemingly irrelevant part of your lifestyle.

Being healthier may be found in something as simple as standing more and sitting less at work, said a study Friday. Cholesterol levels showed improvement as well. They do believe, however, more research needs to be done on a greater scale to fully assess what these effects mean over a longer period of time. The magic number is two hours of standing or moving around instead of sitting per day, University of Queensland researchers say. In an accompanying editorial, Prof Francisco Lopez-Jimenez of the Mayo Clinic in the US, said that the study further highlights the important of avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.


“The unintended consequences of modern life promoting sedentary behaviors can be reversed”, Dr. Lopez-Jimenez wrote. “Health care providers, policy makers and people in general need to stand up for this”.

Walking for two hours every day could cut three inches from your waistline