
Boy found 1 week and 4 miles from where family abandoned him

Yamato Tanooka, the 7-year-old boy who was missing for almost a week in the northern Japan island of Hokkaido, has been found unharmed, Japanese officials said Friday.


The young boy was found by defense personnel in a building snuggled on a mattress at the military drill area four miles from where he was left in the town of Shikabe at around 7.50 am.

The boy told police he had been in the drill area for several days after walking through the forest by himself, according to Kyodo News.

He looked to be in good health but was taken to hospital by a medical helicopter for checks, the BBC reports.

At first, the boy’s parents told police he had disappeared while they foraged for edible plants but later admitted leaving by the road to punish him for throwing stones at people and cars.

They couldn’t find him when they returned several minutes later, setting off a massive search and sparking global outrage.

A massive search operation including 180 people and search dogs was launched to rescue him.

Others said many questions remained. He had minor scratches on his arms and legs but was otherwise unharmed.

Soon after being reunited with his son, Yamato’s father Takayuki Tanooka publicly apologised for his actions. “I told my son that I’m sorry that I made him go through a very hard situation”, he told TV Asahi while appearing on the verge of tears.

Tanooka’s parents initially told police that the boy got lost while picking vegetables in the forest.

An unidentified Self-Defence Force official told NHK that there were two buildings on the perimeter of an exercise field, and that when the soldier opened the door of one of them he found the boy inside.

“I have poured all my love into my son, but from now on, I would want to do more, together with him. I thought that what I was doing was for his own good, but, yes, I realise now that I went too far”. However, the police has said the parents might face charges for negligence.

“When he asked “Are you Yamato?’ the boy said ‘yes”.


The boy’s father expressed that, he is glad that Yamato is safe and alive and thanked the rescuers team for the efforts the team have given to locate the boy and apologized for causing trouble.

Yamato Tanooka. Looks like everyone learned a lesson