
Ryan rips Trump comments on Mexican judge after endorsement

But there are still plenty of Republicans here in Texas who aren’t ready to support him.


Ryan, however, did not deny the fact that he has been critical on Trump in some of his stances.

Ryan made the announcement in his hometown newspaper, the Janesville Gazette. Republican officials suggested that the endorsement marked an important step toward party unification, even while conceding that the speaker’s endorsement was somewhat underwhelming.

“Look, the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field for my mind”, Ryan said told Wisconsin radio station WISN. In an interview on NPR’s Morning Edition this week, McConnell was bold enough to declare, “I think the Republican Party is at an all-time high… we’ve had very good years”.

He added, “It’s no secret that he and I have our differences”.

We’re talking about personality more than policy. Most Americans, he says, think our nation is on the wrong path. John McCain told The New York Times.

Politico reported that Ben Schreckinger was escorted out of the San Jose Convention Center by Trump campaign and security staff after he was spotted working on his laptop.

When the big endorsement happened yesterday you could smell the response coming like a dumpster fire down the block.

The #NeverTrump movement appeared to have momentum, and dozens of high-profile GOP politicians were refusing to endorse Trump. And conservative leaders across the country continue to have deep reservations about Trump’s devotion to Republican principles and his temperament.

But Mr Trump has repeatedly promised not to touch the popular programmes, echoing a position more commonly adopted by Democrats.

The two also break on immigration.

The Republican speaker said he now has an increased comfort level with Trump’s approach toward Ryan’s priorities, including halting overreach by the president and executive branch. “That’s why I’ll be voting for him this fall”, Ryan said.

“Ryan capitulated to ugliness”, the Post’s editorial board wrote. “But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement”, he said. “We want to see if he can act Presidential”. Just a day earlier, Romney signaled support for a possible third-party candidate instead of the presumptive Republican nominee. The Speaker discretely showed he now backs up Trump for president. “If you sign up with Trump, you get unadulterated Donald and all the bad that comes with it”. It surfaced in the middle of a speech by Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in which she launched a far-reaching attack on Trump’s foreign policy credentials.

And in a surprising reversal of position, he sought the backing of New Mexico’s Mexican-descent governor, Susana Martinez, whom he had publicly disparaged at a recent election rally. “It’s an inherent conflict of interest”, Trump recently told the Wall Street Journal.

Curiel, who was born in IN, is at the center of the controversy surrounding the Trump University lawsuit. “Most importantly, it is obvious that Hillary Clinton is not”.

“I’ve stayed out of the whole thing, and I’m going to continue to”, Snyder said during an interview with The Detroit News Editorial Board. In March, when Trump was slow to disavow former KKK leader David Duke, Ryan said, “This party does not prey on people’s prejudices. This was always going to be the speaker’s own decision on his own timeline”, the source said.

Ryan is confident Trump will help turn ideas into laws that improve lives.

Ryan will release the poverty proposal Tuesday morning during a visit to the House of Help City of Hope in the District’s Anacostia neighborhood.

Ryan is expected to focus mainly on campaigning for House candidates in the late summer and fall.

And that right there sums up the dichotomy a Trump presidency presents for congressional Republicans.


Ryan assigned the chairmen of the existing standing committees to launch task forces to vet ideas through dozens of meetings among rank-and-file House members.

He stated that all candidates including Trump were better for President than Ms. Hilton