
Libertarians nominate Gary Johnson for President at convention in Orlando

Johnson also called for inclusion in more national polling surveys. “How about some skeptic at the table when it comes to these military interventions?”


On Sunday, Johnson was chosen by libertarians at the libertarian party convention in Orlando, Florida. His nearest opponents, Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively.

Johnson is now polling in two different polls at 10 percent. We will see. In any event, I don’t expect anyone to be talking about a “libertarian moment” once the ballots have been counted.

Sharpe took the stage after Weld and offered his support for the Johnson campaign.

“I realize, I realize the confidence you’ve put in me to be that spokesperson and I’m very, very grateful for that”, Johnson said.

As I explained on CTV, in 2012 Gary Johnson received more than a million votes, or about one percent of the total, the best showing for a Libertarian presidential candidate since 1980.

But it is aiming to capitalise on the deep unpopularity polls show among voters for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Party leaders say the Libertarians are poised for a breakout year, as they seek to garner disaffected Republicans and right-wing independents who want to avoid supporting the GOP nominee Donald Trump, while possibly siphoning off potential Democratic and left-independent voters who now back Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders but would not ultimately rally behind Hillary Clinton, if she wins the Democratic nomination.

He considers himself to be an outsider, thinks the United States’ system of electing the president is rigged and is known for making provocative comments-and he’ll be on the ballot this fall in the race for the White House. This means its nominee will be the only alternative to Trump and Clinton available to all voters in this election.

“Then we can leverage that to a level where we could wage political war” by hiring staff and running TV and radio commercials, Johnson said.


Johnson served as New Mexico’s governor from 1995 to 2003 as a Republican after a career as the owner of one of that state’s largest construction companies. That came a day after Weld made a direct appeal to LGBT voters, noting his history of nominating the first state Supreme Court justice to hold marriage equality as a constitutional right. He was the party’s nominee back in 2012. Sarwark also said he had been speaking to Matt Kibbe, former president of conservative advocacy group Freedomworks, about supporting the party’s nominee.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is hoping to ride a boost from voters turned off by both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton