
A response to Alberto Gonzales on Donald Trump and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has said it is “absolutely” possible that a Muslim judge would be biased against him in the courtroom as a result of his plan to temporarily ban all Muslim visitors to the United States.


[Curiel] is a member of a club or society, very strongly pro-Mexican, which is all fine.

Said Gingrich, “This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made and I think it’s inexcusable”. In interviews Sunday, Trump wouldn’t back away from his assertion that Curiel’s parents’ birth in Mexico has left the judge angry over Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the U.S. -Mexico border and biased in the legal case over Trump University.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Friday dismissed Trump’s comment as “reasoning I don’t relate to”.

Senior U.S. Republicans distanced themselves on Sunday from Donald Trump’s comments about a Mexican-American judge, saying they were anxious that the tone of his presidential campaign could enrage Latinos, who are a growing U.S. voting bloc.

The Republican leader’s comments come as GOP officials are distancing themselves from Trump’s latest attack on the San Diego judge overseeing the Trump University fraud lawsuit. Taken to its logical conclusion, Gonzales’ position would allow unfounded speculation about a judge’s political leanings to give rise to a “legitimate question” about his or her “honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge”. “But I want to build a wall”.

Curiel has not publicly responded to Trump’s criticisms, but top officials from Trump’s party rejected the comments against the judge. I guess this is the new, more presidential Trump that his backers keep insisting will show up any day now for the general election. “All of us came here from somewhere else”, McConnell said in reference to Curiel’s heritage.

Trump said that while the bound to defend Japan in the event of an attack, the reverse isn’t true.

The remarks originally stemmed from Curiel’s involvement in the lawsuit against Trump University.

Donald Trump even went so far as to state that Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s rulings were some that people couldn’t believe.

“I hope he’ll change his direction on that”, McConnell said. Trump feels that these concerns are valid, justifying his concern with Curiel overall. “I’m doing very well with the Latinos, with the Hispanics, with the Mexicans, I’m doing very well with them, in my opinion”. “This is no longer the primaries”.

In a separate pre-recorded interview, also televised on Sunday, Trump told CNN news anchor Jake Tapper that Curiel had been unfair.

According to the Washington Post, Tapper had to follow up on the question 23 times to get a straight answer on whether Trump thought that that saying someone couldn’t do a job because of his race was the definition of racism.


The man in the crowd Trump pointed to was Gregory Cheadle, a local real estate broker and a Republican running for nomination for a congressional seat. “I have a Mexican judge”.

Donald Trump gestures to a his camouflaged ‘Make America Great’ hat as he discuses his support by the National Rifle Association at a campaign rally in Redding California at the weekend