
Ryan Howard on Bottle Incident: ‘I Do Take It Personal’

– Police have released a description of the man at Saturday’s Phillies game who reportedly threw a beer bottle at Ryan Howard.


“To do what I’ve done in this city playing, I don’t care how bad somebody thinks I’m playing”, Howard said. People get it twisted.

The 36-year-old first baseman called the action “tasteless” and said he had “done too much for the Phillies to have a bottle thrown at him”. According to Howard, that fan saw the first baseman as his statistics, as his contract, as his frustration – anything but as a person.

Howard is batting a woeful.151 this season and Saturday’s game was the fifth in a row in which he has not been featured in the starting lineup. If any Philliedelphia reader can help identify this offender, we will happily give you a collection of Philadelphia baseball memorabilia and buy you tickets to a game.

Howard has been struggling all season.

To date Howard has said and done all the right things.

It is one thing to criticize Howard’s play – and Howard has not performed well in 2016 – but attempting to assault Howard is just plain despicable. “I don’t play that. To me, that’s crossing the line”, Howard told reporters on Sunday. But we’re supposed to hold ourselves to a different standard and what not. It becomes a security issue. Because if I would’ve done something, if I would’ve went into the stands and tried to beat this dude up, I would’ve gotten in trouble by Major League Baseball.


Howard was understandably displeased with the incident. “I think we can all agree this is probably going to be his last year in Philly, so why can’t we just treat him with respect for a year?” Then, as he was returning to the dugout, the accused fan apparently threw a beer bottle that landed near him, 6ABC writes.

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