
Iconic ghosts from Japanese horror movies face off in baseball game

The spectral pair even gyrated for the crowd, while resident creepy kid Toshio characteristically just sat on the field. Although I can’t imagine it’ll be as good as this freakily oddball baseball stunt.


Two of the scariest characters in recent Japanese horror film history are returning for a new movie, so to promote Sadako vs. Kayako the Nippon-Ham Fighters staged what is likely the scariest first pitch ceremony in baseball history.

If the movie is anything like the brief preview we got before the baseball game, viewers are in for a real treat.

They are seen running on the pitch before Sadako hurls the ball at her rival, while the ghost child from The Grudge looks on silently.

Ceremonial first pitches are a tradition in baseball but this has one has to go down as one of the weirdest.

With the school girl cheerleaders and both Sadako and Kayako staying faithfully in character, I’m going to go on a limb and say that this is the most Japanese thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Kayako connects, but inexplicably collapses to the ground on her way to first base.


All this, of course, is a promotion for a movie, Sadako Vs Kayako – a crossover between the two horror films that hits theatres in Japan on June 18 (trailer below).

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