
Jamie Lee Curtis turns Orc at “Warcraft” premiere

Jamie Lee Curtis (R) and son Thomas Guest at the Los Angeles premiere of “Warcraft” on Monday.


Despite that omission, Curtis declared the flick “great”, and as a longtime lover of “World of Warcraft“, we suppose her opinion is the one that will really matter to fellow fans of the online game.

Since Tom introduced her to the magic of WoW, perhaps in turn Curtis can now educate her son on all the fine benefits Activia’s probiotics have to offer. “I think that what Blizzard has done has changed the universe”.

“The astonishing thing about being a parent is that your children bring things to you that you would never, ever, ever, ever know”, she added.

Curtis shared a few snaps from the event on her Twitter account, and you could tell she was having a blast walking the carpet in her elaborate get-up.


However, while posing in her green makeup and fetching horns, the Warcraft super fan was surprised with a political question regarding Hilary Clinton’s chances in the Californian Primaries on June 7. Among the other well-knowns in attendance was Ben Schulz, infamous for his Leeroy Jenkins character in the early days of World of Warcraft. Warcraft explodes into theaters on Friday.

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