
Donald Trump Calls Out to ‘My African-American’ During Rally

Regardless, Trump’s latest affront will deepen the angst of Republican strategists who worry their party will be crippled in November by the unending stream of unprompted racial outrages from a candidate who has refused to change his message or his style.


This is going to be an ugly and possibly bloody election. “He’s not even denying it people.” user Nerds R Us wrote.

“You know what I say when we have a protestor, which isn’t very often, I say, ‘Be very gentle, please don’t hurt him …” But others added the chant, “F– Trump, F– Trump”, to their cries, contributing to the negative atmosphere, where some Mexican-Americans, such as 15-year-old Juan Castro, told NBC Bay Area that Trump fans were screaming racial epithets back at them. This is a stunning way for a potential president to think – believing a judge’s ethnicity precludes the possibility he will be fair. Now, I say: Why?

Donald Trump tried to highlight his support among African-Americans Friday, by awkwardly singling out a black man at a California rally. I’m building a wall.

‘Violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable, ‘ Sanders said.

Speaking this afternoon in Redding, California, Trump derided the protesters for attacking his supporters as they left the venue yesterday evening.

He then resumed telling the story about the other black man at a different rally: “Okay, so we have an African American guy at one of the rallies a month ago”. “Are you the greatest?” And I’m like, ‘you’ve got to be kidding. And he’s sitting there, behaving. “But when these sleazy people, these dishonest people who never show the crowds.When they showed that event, it made it look like the white guy was on my side”, he said referring to the man who was wearing the KKK hood. “And we had protesters inside the arena and they were dressed in a Ku Klux Klan outfit. OK?”

“Oh, look at my African-American over here!”

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – has warned against violent expressions during the presidential campaign, particularly against supporters of billionaire Donald Trump. “If you think Trumps not racist you live in an alternate reality void of logic”, user @el_turko13 said. “He was like this great guy, military guy”. KRCR reports that Cheadle is a political hopeful just like Trump.


“He created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters, now we’re seeing people who are against him responding in kind”, Clinton said.

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In San Jose California that end up in violence