
Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Has a Dark Souls Easter Egg

To many people’s happiness, on Tuesday we got the chance to enjoy a new expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


The new Blood and Wine expansion is said to contain 90new quest and an extra 30 hours of gameplay.

There will now be a new book called “A Miraculous Guide to Gwent”, which is supposed to display the number of gwent cards that a player is still missing at this point in the game.

How are you getting on with Blood and Wine so far, was it worth the wait?

Xbox One owners who have the expansion pass for The Witcher 3 can play Blood and Wine starting today. Players can also opt for “fresh start”, which will let them play a new character and explore new content. The third option lets players go straight to Toussaint using a level 34 character provided by the game and take on a new quest immediately. The light-hearted story and new Runeword system combined to make the first expansion stand out as some of the best content in the entire series. If it is the final appearance of White Wolf, the content allows him to leave in style.

Across it? Good. A noticeboard in The Witcher 3 now celebrates this fact. The game is playable on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


New details for “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” will feature the launch of “Blood and Wine” DLC this week along with its map preview and a new HD reworked project mod for the PC.

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