
Deliberations resume in Colorado theater shooting trial

If jurors unanimously agree that such factors outweigh the heinousness of the July 2012 attack that killed 12 people and injured 70 others, Holmes would be sentenced to a life term.


Under Colorado law, the jury can move death penalty proceedings forward to a third phase, or end the death penalty deliberations and sentence Holmes to life in prison without parole. If just one juror says that there were mitigating factors, the death penalty will be taken off of the table.

The jury began deliberating on this phase of the trial briefly on Thursday, before a day off on Friday.

The verdict will be read at 12:30 p.m. today.

His attorneys have said that his schizophrenia mitigates the capital crimes of which he was convicted.

Jurors have previously rejected Holmes’ claim of insanity, though defense lawyers have urged the three men and nine women deciding Holmes’ fate to consider mental illness as a factor when levying a sentence.

During this second phase, the second jury heard from a key psychiatrist, Holmes’ relatives, teachers, church leaders, soccer buddies and camp counselor friends.


Check back for the latest on this developing story.

URGENT - James Holmes Sentencing Phase 2 Verdict