
Laila Ali Mourns Father Muhammad Ali and Reflects on His Legacy

Muhammad Ali’s memorial service in his hometown of Louisville, Ky., on Friday will be open to all faiths.


Ali died last Friday night of septic shock from unspecified natural causes at a Scottsdale, Ariz., hospital not far from his home.

On most days Hutchinson says he has 25 kids train to be as good as Ali.

“It’s been a really bittersweet time for our city”, mayor Greg Fischer said.

Erdogan will attend Friday’s ceremonies and has asked to speak, family spokesman Bob Gunnell said.

The funeral of the former three-time world boxing heavyweight champion will be held on 10 June at Louisville, Kentucky, where people will be allowed to pay their respects. “He leaves Wednesday evening”. “There will be people coming from all over”.

The inner circle that helped the Alis with funeral preparations included his lawyer and a business associate, Mr Gunnell said. Gunnell said Ali had sought medical attention for a cough, but his condition rapidly deteriorated.

In a more recent statement on Ali, Bush referred to the late boxer an icon who was not only lovely on the outside but the inside as well. Decades later, long after he had achieved worldwide renown, he kept advocating for Muslims in the USA who felt their religion made them political targets. “Knowing that he’s not suffering anymore is what gives me comfort”. Foreman was undefeated and a heavy favorite to win at the Kinshasa, Zaire championship event, but Ali shook up the world yet again with an eighth-round knockout. You changed my Life. “I was devastated”, he said.

“Muhammad Ali he became my inspiration because he says I want to preach my religion, I want to make my God happy”.

That belief ingratiated Ali to other successful athletes of that time and well beyond.

1963: Ali (left) fighting under the name of Cassius Clay, fighting Henry Cooper at Wembley Stadium. So he floated like a butterfly and he did sting like a bee because his shots were fast, powerful and explosive. The US Supreme Court overturned his conviction for draft dodging in 1971. Ali received a bevy of honours during his lifetime, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian award of the US.


The funeral will be livestreamed on the internet and he will be buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville.

Former President Bill Clinton will be among those eulogizing late boxing legend Muhammad Ali Friday at a service in Ali's