
Game of Thrones’ season six finale will be a big one

The titles of the final two episodes of season six have been released and can be considered spoilers in themselves.


Episode 9, “The Battle of the Bastards”, will run 60 minutes on June 19 – and, we guess, will feature the long-awaited battle between Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow.

Season six of “Game of Thrones” is telecast in India on Star World Premiere HD in India. While the episodes of Game of Thrones tend to be a bit longer than most, each ranging from about 50-55 minutes, The highly anticipated finale will be the first for the series to go past the hour mark.

The Thrones showrunners have previously told us that season 6 includes the biggest battle in the show’s history.

But HBO has something the show’s legions can get excited about: Season 6’s season finale will clock in at a whopping 69 minutes.

Both episodes are being directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who was in charge of last year’s acclaimed Hardhome, reports Entertainment Weekly.

It’s safe to say that the finale of this season’s Game of Thrones will have heaps of blood, sex, swearing, more blood, nudity, and yet more blood.

For the preceding show is titled the The Battle Of The Bastards, while the Stark forces are now hard at work trying to piece together a large enough force to take on the current Warden Of The North in the battlefield.

Sound off in comments, but try not to make any jokes about how much, or little, Jon Snow actually knows.


A supposedly leaked synopsis of the final episode suggested Brienne would meet a ‘friend turned foe, ‘ which followers of the series believed could be Lady Stoneheart, the reanimated corpse of Stark matriarch Caitlyn Tully.

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