
This Video Shows a Panther Terrifyingly Stalk Its Owner

What happens when a man has an unexpected rendezvous with a panther?


Meanwhile, a video posted on Friday by the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation shows the panther Kal-El quietly stalking foundation owner Eduardo Serio. The two then grapple one another and he breaks away.

The jaguar, it turns out is named Kal-El – Superman’s birth name – and he is one of Serio’s “kids”, the name the Mexican man gives to the animals he cares for in his animal sanctuary. Finally, the jaguar places its face to the man’s face with its jaws open.

While we’re sure panther bants is top notch, the moment the big cat pounces on the guy is a little scary to say the least. It pounces at him – but instead of attacking – it starts playing with him. This man is the owner of a wild animal sanctuary in Mexico.

The video has been viewed on social media more than eight million times since it was uploaded on Monday morning.


Rescue animals such as lions, tigers and jaguars live on the organisation’s 30 acre plot.

Panther Stalks and Then Launches 'Attack' on Man