
“The Bachelorette” Recap: JoJo Finds Out What Chad’s All About

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Editor’s note: If sitting through two hours of “The Bachelorette” just to see how Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers’ younger brother, Jordan, fares with JoJo Fletcher isn’t part of your Monday night game plan, we’ll do it for you with weekly episode recaps for as long as Jordan is in the running.

Don’t miss the dramatic conclusion of this two-part special Tuesday at 7 p.m. on KSAT 12.

ABC/Craig Sjodin (NEW YORK) – The tension between Chad and the other men on The Bachelorette reached risky levels on Monday night’s episode – so much so that host Chris Harrison had to intervene. “I can feel the tension anytime I step in there”. Hard. I was shocked by just how quickly they went from zero to a hundred. That statement irked Chad as if Jordan had insulted his intelligence. Following the rose ceremony, the remaining 14 men vying for JoJo’s love will travel to the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania where one lucky suitor gets a one-on-one date with the Texan real estate developer. They went on a hot yoga date, during which several awkward things happened. While using his knowledge for Erectile Dysfunction, Evan goes on a rant about steroid use – and even steroid overdosing – and pretty much alludes to the fact that Chad’s muscles aren’t home grown. The two-on-one date which ABC teases will end with a “chilling stand-off and the possibility of revenge”. When they passed each other in the aisle, Chad pulled Evan’s shirt. Chad actually has the sense to walk away, but this makes the other guys think he is a coward.

Backstage, the other guys were chest bumping over Bass calling out Johnson. JoJo noticed, and asked him, “Are you good?” Johnson didn’t buy it and tried to push Bass.

Alex accepted and JoJo, in one final devastating blow, tells Chad she’s just going to say goodbye to him then and there, instead of walking off with him for a private moment together. Well, there was nothing he can do, however, as he still had to join the group date. He promises her that it’s all very genuine and she gives it up for now so that she can go splash some water on Daniel and cause him to have a mild heart attack. “Is this a real scenario right now?” You know, talking like, you know, two guys, right? Harrison, saying he was concerned about potential threats of violence, discussed the matter with Chad, who argued, “I didn’t start anything”. “Don’t be disrespectful. I don’t like that”.

“Are you trying to insinuate that I’m stupid, Jordan?”.

While there’s video of Fletcher making a connection with others, including Chase McNary and James Taylor on one-on-one dates, the episode was literally filled with video clips of the others, particularly Woytkiw and Bass, dissing Chad with the other contestants chiming in. Key word: tries. In his words, if JoJo likes Evan, there’s no place for him because they’re at opposite ends of the universal man spectrum.


“It makes me look like the bad guy”, he said.

The 14 Most Outrageous Chad Quotes from'The Bachelorette