
Health officials: Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus found in Oklahoma

In Iowa, seven cases of Zika virus have been confirmed, while in Minnesota they’ve had 17.


The Baldwin County Health Department sent out tips to Milledgeville and Baldwin County residents with their “Tip n’ Toss” campaign in this month’s water bill.

Zika is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito.

Authorities in York County say the Department of Health and Environmental Control received a positive test result of West Nile during their routine mosquito surveillance program.

Matt Hemmer who works for the health department said it’s hard to know if the Zika Virus could make its way to Southeastern Ohio.

Queensland state Director of Public Health Dr Steven Donohue told Xinhua in a statement on Monday there was no connection with another recent case as the virus was acquired in a different country. However, the virus can cause a serious birth defect, microcephaly, and other fetal brain defects.

It is noted that military personnel run an exceptionally high risk of mosquito bites, since they are often outdoors for long periods of time. No cases of infection have been found in a human or animal in York County, only in the local mosquito population.

Dave Dunwoody reports on Zika virus in Florida. But West Nile remains the greater of those evils.

According to the release, a man infected with Zika can pass the virus to his sexual partner before, during and after symptoms appear.

15 of the infected individuals had traveled to South America or the Caribbean, including one who visited Brazil, where the Summer Olympics have been threatened by a Zika outbreak.

Gary Goode from Palm Beach County Mosquito Control said mosquitoes love to breed in water bottles, tires that hold standing water and even in some yard plants like bromeliads. Wear long sleeves and trousers if you may be outdoors at those times or in those areas.


Symptoms and signs of West Nile virus include fever, headache, body aches, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes. Fewer than 1 percent become seriously ill.

Official: 'Iowans need to take action against West Nile'